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The Link Church

Feb Fast Day 8: Walk with God.

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6, NKJV).

It was such hunger that was stirred in the heart of a Gentile centurion in Caesarea named Cornelius, who fasted, prayed to God, and gave generously to the poor. One day, an angel appeared to him with a message. The angel said, “… Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God” (Acts 10:4, NKJV). And then the angel instructed him to send for Peter, who was nearby in Joppa.

Peter, who was fasting at the time as well, saw a vision from God in which many foods that were unlawful for Jews to eat were presented to him. He was still puzzled by the vision when Cornelius’s messengers arrived. Going with them to his house the next day and hearing of the hunger in this man’s heart, Peter understood what the vision meant. The gospel was not to be withheld from the Gentiles!

As he shared the gospel with those of Cornelius’s household, the Holy Spirit filled them all, and later, they were baptized in water (see Acts 10).

What does this story reveal? When you hunger for God, He fills you! In this day, God is saying, “I’m looking for somebody who wants something. I’m looking for somebody who will do more than show up. Someone who will hunger for what I want to place in them!”

21-Day Fasting Journey with Jentezen Franklin

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