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Feb Fast Day 20: His Will, Not Yours

By now, your fast has likely led you through many emotions and levels of God’s presence.

You are beginning to see the reward of the humbling of your flesh that can only take place during a fast. You are sensing the desires of God’s heart filling you and prompting you to do great things. Continue on this journey!

No doubt, God’s priorities are seldom our priorities. That is the difference between the nature of man and the nature of God. He even said so: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9, NIV). I can tell you from firsthand experience that fasting causes you to take that sword of God’s Word and separate what you “want” from what you “need.”

There are too many people on the edge of what God is doing and not enough of us standing firmly in the middle of His will. If ever there was a time when we needed to be fasting and praying together, it is now. We need each other. We need a spirit of togetherness. We need a spirit of trust. We need a spirit of unity. We need a spirit of compassion for one another.

Together, let’s desire to be in the will of God and to walk according to His plans!

21-Day Fasting Journey with Jentezen Franklin

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